So we will just go ahead and play the mom card here...its January 13th and I'm just getting around to this.
Disclaimer: This is yet another photo-bombing longest blog post ever.
Your welcome ;)
2013 was by far the most life changing year of my life.
January was a month of snuggles. After almost two years, we used our fireplace :) We also purchased new bedroom furniture, and installed a new cork floor in our closet! Our pup got neutered and got a nasty infection, so we spent lots of extra time with puppy snuggles.
February was a HUGE month. Not only was I devastated by not being pregnant yet AGAIN, my parents moved. Saying goodbye to my childhood home was very very hard. Funny I fit in that pantry MUCH better when I was a kid. We added another fur baby to our family when my sister brought their little meatball Toby home to their new apartment.
March brought wayyy to much snow and was supposed to be the start of spring, and the snow continued right on into April, boo. Even though mother nature didnt get the memo, we did lots of spring cleaning and bough a beautiful entertainment center and new sectional for the family room. Swoon. I also discovered macaroni and cheese pizza...
April 1st was one of the best days of my life. Read about it here. The begining of my ten month blogging hiatus. Easter with our families, telling our parents and hosting a bridal shower for my best friend. At the end of April we attended a event for my husbands company honoring his sales for 2012--go hubby!
In May we told the rest of world about Baby C, This photo was my rendition of dressing up for a Bachelorette as my baby bump got bigger and bigger. May was pretty laid back though due to some wicked morning sickness and throwing up that continued right on into the second trimester.
June we celebrated my best friends wedding, it was an absolutely beautiful,
In July we found out we were having a baby girl, my heart melted. I immediately started planning the nursery. Gosh my heart this flutters when I think of this moment. EVERYONE (except me and my dad) was convinced it was a boy, and because everyone was telling me that, I began to believe it too. When the ultrasound tech said, Its a Girl!; my husbands reaction was WHAT?! priceless. He is overjoyed and loves our little girl to pieces, but his reaction was probably one of my favorite moments of being pregnant.
The rest of July and most of August we spent doing lots and lots of house projects, which included getting new carpet and painting the trim upstairs.
The weekend after Labor Day weekend there is a dog expo at our local park, and they drain the public pool about halfway down and let all of the puppy dogs in the pool! It was so so SO fun! Im the pregnant lady in the back with the pink. We cant wait for this party next year.
September was more baby prep, painting the nursery and the nursery furniture, lots of cookouts. And too many baby projects to count. We spent my birthday eating good food and relaxing. September is always one of my favorite months because we have 3 birthdays, so.much.cake. :)
October flew by. Our washer broke. It was only 2 years old. Grumble. We celebrated my baby shower. I cannot express how grateful we are for all the people who came out to spoil our little baby girl. I began to feel very very pregnant in October, I'm pretty sure I never changed out of yoga pants, yep I even wore them to our shower, ha.
November I got voted down for hosting Thanksgiving (something about being 39 weeks pregnant and cooking a turkey makes people nervous, who would have thought?!) So we took advantage of not having 25 people at our house and decorated for christmas early. The rest of the month I spent trying to convince myself to get off the couch and cook food to freeze, and waddling around costco stocking up on every necessity known to man (nesting much?!). The day before Thanksgiving was my last day of work. That night we packed our bags and were ready to go.
December 4th 2013 at 9 am changed our lives forever.
Welcome to the world Emma Lynn, words cannot describe how much we love you.
We spent the month doing nothing but snuggling and loving on our brand new baby and celebrated our first christmas, as a family of 3 <3
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