Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Treats!

I just wanted to share some things I made for easter....

A Bunny-Butt cake! I used regular cake mix, and a bundt pan for the body. To fill in the middle and shape the tail and feet, I followed the same directions for cake pops, but instead of rolling it into balls, I made a middle, feet, and tail! Covered everything with coconut and this was a huge success!
These little guys were just absolutley adorable, and easy to make!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

First outfit post....errrr

In an effort to not turn into a frumpy newlywed....I've made a resolution to myself that I'm going to find a new outfit from my closet every week. To start's my Easter outfit! I know I'm horrible at taking these pictures and I will try to find better ways to take them(take it from me...these are an improvement I used to jump up on the bathtub to take outfit pictures!) so if you have suggestions they are greatly appreciated!!

This dress was snagged recently at old navy for $15.99!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Happiness Project

I stumbled across this book at target and I thought it looked interesting so I picked it up, and since then I haven't put it down! If your looking for an easy, but mind challenging book, this is it. This books makes you think about your own life an what positive changes you can make!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And breathe!

Is there anyone still out there?

I cant even remember the last time I posted, I think it was like a month ago, life has been a COMPLETE whirlwind. Catchup whats currently happening?

New job! Its been a crazy busy, frustrating, exhausting experience taking on a huge life change, going from customer service in probably the biggest company in our country to a small 5-employee real estate appraisal company and although I'd be lying if I said I wasnt scared or sure it was the right decision, I am sure now. I no longer hate going to work, dread my horrible schedule or getting yelled at constantly, and I'm responsible for making sure the office runs smoothly and am loving it!

Our master bathroom "mini renovation" is still going Hopefully it will be fininshed up soon without any more snafu's!

I do not know how all those full time working moms do it.....I can barely manage and its just me & the hubby! I'm hosting easter on Sunday (anyone sense a trend here?) and have to get back to planning that so I hope anyone still reading is doing fantastic and has a great holiday weekend <3