Monday, February 27, 2012

Fan be gone

We have these really big, gorgeous, HIGH

Motivation Monday!

Here is the newest additions to my bedroom! Well, some of it was there, but most of it is new. This is my message to myself:

Pinned Image
credit: Pinterest

Its time to jump start this business. Enough excuses, enough being to tired, or sleeping in too late, the rest of my life starts today.

One. Day. At. A. Time.


Here's some closeups of everything, if you have any questions, just ask!

What keeps you motivated? Or what is your best healthy lifestyle change?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Lent!

Here's to giving up fast food, candy bars, m&ms, and chips for 40 days.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The big step reveal!

They are finally done!!! We started our steps and it turned out to be a long project, but I am absolutely in love with how it turned out. You can find step one here, step two here, but just for kicks, lets take one last look at the before:

And here they are!!!

Overall, this was a very easy project to do, but it was very time consuming. But if you're looking for a frugal, but high end step redesign this is the way to go!

Here is how the final budget broke down for this project:
1 roll of kraft paper: $4.79
2 Large bottles of glue: $1.75
Mocha wood stain: Already had for another project
Clear poly: Already had from previous projects
White paint: $16 on clearance from Home Depot--Will be using this again though too, so I cant decide if this counts or not!

Total: $22.54

We are just about done in the basement for right now, we just have to put a light in the stairwell right now since you can see how dark it looks. We're still trying to decide the best way to do this, but we'll keep you updated!

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Looks I'm Loving

...Pinterest strikes again.

I've been trying to buy clothes that are more versatile and finding a style thats my own, and let me tell you, its HARD. No wonder i've been wearing plain shirts and yoga pants/jeans for the past 4 years!! Trying to expand my horizons i've found these:
Pinned Image
found here
 I ove the casual-ness of this outfit...and I already have the boots and scarf! Now just to find some great chunky sweaters to wear with this!

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found here
I think the would be a GREAT outfit for work, everythign about is so classic and professional, yet feminine

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found here
I would love to make my closet so I can wear something like this every day, I LOVE it!

Pinned Image
found here

Its no secret that pink is my favorite color, and this is the perfect hopeless romantic outfit. Love!

I will *Hopefully* be shopping for a lot more clothes in the *very* near future so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Love Story {Link Up}

 1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
    Since 2003, I was 15 <3
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
   We met at a track meet in high school, it was love @ first sight for me, and I spent the next 4 years chasing him. After high school we finally realized there is no one else but each other..."cuz i got you babe"
3. If married, how long have you been married?
    We started our new life together on 9.10.11
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? 
    We had a big beautiful Romantic Fairytale wedding, and i loved every minute of it!
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? 
    Hahaha...we both call each other "boo" its funny
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
    1.He is one of the most caring people that I have ever met
    2. I'm tough to handle, and he handles me and loves me every single day
    3. His butt.
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
    My husband proposed in our apartment...after sending me on a scavenger hunt to each place that had a significant meaning in our relationship. At each location there was a different colored rose and a card. When i (finally) got back to our apartment, there was a single red rose at the door. I walked in to hundreds of candles leading us to our spare bedroom, and he was waiting there dressed in a suit, and soft music playing. The room was decorated like prom; which we never got to go together to, so he recreated it for his proposal. We danced and he got down on one knee and asked the three words i've been dreaming of since i was 15.
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
    We have a tradition where we make a fancy dinner together and then watch some cheezy romantic movie
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
   Pop in a movie & cuddle on the couch!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
    Take a super long walk somewhere, just the two of us
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
    Just enjoying our first Valentines day as a married couple :)
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day
    Nope, we both agreed that we'd rather save up for some home improvements we're making!
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
    Communication! And never EVER forget why you fell in love
14.  Show us a picture of what love means to you.
My hubby at his family's cottage in Canada...when i knew i'd love him forever!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

{[Wedding Recap]} Getting Pretty

Ok, so I just couldn't wait until next week for the first wedding recap. <3
Our wedding was September 10th, 2011 (9.10.11) and it really was the day every girl dreams of...and here is how it started!
Getting my hair done!
I was actually so sad when I was getting my hair done because it was pouring rain, but Abby kept my spirits up :)
Back view of my hair

My hair dresser was amazing ...seriously my hair might be my favorite part...ok that's a lie :)

View of Charles Scott Spa & Salon my home away from home!

My sister & MOH getting her hair done

My Twinnie/Bridesmaid getting her hair done--she's gorgeous!

MOH again
My bridesmaid Cassie, one of my oldest truest friends

My Hair Stylist putting the finishing touches on!

Getting my makeup done by the nicest makeup artist in the world- Kelly...we prepped for this over a year!

Me & my sister getting our makeup done...this was one of the best parts of the day, just relaxing and getting ready for the day!

Another shot 
All ready to go!

Next up....The Men!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday turns...Wedding Wednesdays!

We finally got our wedding pictures I will be recapping our wedding every Wednesday for a while :) here's a sneak peak!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Step Project- Part 2

The Steps....the next step!

This project is definitely taking A LOT LONGER than I thought. But here's the progress:

Every other step is covered & dried. This took about 48 hours.

Next you just brush a light coating of a stain color of your choice and the use the ragging technique to "rag off". Basically you take a paper towel or cloth or used tshirt and using a rolling action blot the stain off. Its not an exact science, so go nuts :)

Let this dry for at least a day, and then repeat the WHOLE process on the other half of the steps

Has anyone ever tried anything like this? How did it turn out?

Handy hubby

I promise lots of posts this week to make up for the last 2 weeks! But I am happy to say that my surprise party went off without a hitch! My parents were completely surprised, and we had an awesome time at our house, all 53 people! Everyone was stuffed and had a great time...but more on that later!

Today's post is a little more sentimental....blah. But 1 year ago Saturday we first set our eyes on the place we call home now. And I can say the past year has DEFINITELY been an interesting journey, but its OUR journey. I'm the cleaner, organizer, and type-A controlling wife. Hubby is the laid back, messy, and have a different definition of the word "clean". But one of the things i love the most about him is how handy he is. We bought a handyman special, not ever having used a power tool, or done anything other than paint. And my (now) husband has learned and can pretty much tackle any job I give him :)
Putting up new light fixtures...
Tiling bathrooms...
Hanging curtain rods....
and taking the most hideous ceiling fan ever down.

I am really excited to show you guys all the projects we have been up to around here and hopefully will be updating a lot this week! So stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Semi-wordless Wednesday

Sorry for my absence this week, I'm getting ready to cook all of this: